DURCHBLICK book, Germany
DURCHBLICK book, Germany
Xogramme - Hugh Turvey und die Röntgenkunst
On the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the discovery of X-rays in 2020, the publication of a book on the interdisciplinary and modern use of X-rays addressed to the general public is planned. This book is intended to give all interested parties an insight into the diversity of application and research with short, comprehensibly written texts and vivid photos.
The book will be published at the 2019 Book Fair under the title "The world in perspective" (Die Welt im Durchblick, Wunder moderner Röntgentechnik) by the renowned scientific book society of Theiss Verlag under the editorship of Prof. Dr. Wilfried Rosendahl (Director Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen und rem gGmbH, Director Curt-Engelhorn-Zentrum für Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte, Mannheim) and myself. The hardcover volume in 24.7 x 28.7 cm format with dust jacket will comprise 160 pages and is divided into two short introduction chapters and 18 thematic chapters.
We would like to ask you whether you could participate in the book with an article " X-rays in art (title of an idea)", which would make us very happy. The contribution should not exceed 12,000 characters including spaces of text. Furthermore we ask for submission of 4-6 digital illustrations, which illustrate the explanations attractively.

Dr. Uwe Busch, Direktor, Deutsches Röntgen-Museum, Schwelmer Str. 41 | 42897 Remscheid