CNDM music, Spain
CNDM music, Spain
Centro Nacional de Difusión Musical, Madrid
19/20 season: 300 concerts, 32 Spanish and 12 foreign cities
"The images for the 19/20 season are original works by the British x-ray artist Hugh Turvey, whose X-rays colored with the tones of each cycle of the CNDM transmit the essence of each series, of the center itself and of the music, the energy that we do not see but that is the soul of beauty and of our intense and extensive work."

The Director General of INAEM , Amaya de Miguel @amaya.demiguel along with Francisco Lorenzo , director of the National Center for Musical Diffusion (CNDM), have presented the season 19/20 of this center at a press conference.
The National Center for Musical Diffusion (CNDM), a unit under the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music (INAEM), proposes for its tenth season an intense and extensive program that maintains its spirit of recovering and spreading our vast historical heritage and educated popular music such as flamenco and jazz, encourage current composition and attract new audiences towards classical music, or those less frequent genres, through the various activities organized independently or in collaboration with more than a hundred from national and international institutions.

A representation of musical styles in Xograms in collaboration with Gema P. Píriz - sadly COVID interrupted proceedings in 2020.
"El Centro Nacional de Difusión Musical (CNDM) cuenta con una plantilla de dieciséis personas, entre funcionarios y contratados. Las imágenes de la temporada 19/20 son obras originales del artista británico Hugh Turvey, cuyas radiografías coloreadas con los tonos de cada ciclo del CNDM transmiten la esencia de cada serie, del propio centro y de la música, la energía que no vemos pero que es el alma de la belleza y de nuestro intenso y extenso trabajo."