Arts Council film, UK
Arts Council film, UK
with Birmingham Hippodrome
"Marking the 120th anniversary of the first medical X-Ray performed in Birmingham by radiology pioneer Major John Hall-Edwards, Hippodrome CREATIVE commissioned an innovative new digital dance film and sonic soundscape to commemorate this scientific breakthrough.
As part of World Radiography Day, the short film was launched on our social media channels and the digital screens in our foyers, and in partner venues Birmingham City University and Birmingham Children’s Hospital.

Award-winning contemporary dance and Hip-Hop performer/choreographer Mickael ‘Marso’ Riviere created a new solo dance work in response to sound artist Justin Wiggan’s sonic soundscape collated from ‘hidden’ body sounds and X-Ray equipment. British Institute of Radiology artist in residence Hugh Turvey, directed and produced a stop animation digital film that fused together the performance with X-ray imagery.
The three artists also delivered a series of workshops and talks in Birmingham City University, Birmingham Children’s Hospital and Birmingham Hippodrome."